4th International Conference Terahertz and Microwave Radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications
August 24-26, 2020, Tomsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Sinitsky S.L. (Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia)
List of reports:
- Arzhannikov A.V., Sandalov E.S., Sinitsky S.L., Skovorodin D.I., Starostenko A.A., Peskov N.Yu., Ginzburg N.S., Vikharev A.A., Zaslavsky V.Yu.
Project of powerful long-pulse Bragg FEL of sub-THz to THz-band: design, simulations and components testing 
- Peskov N.Yu., Abubakirov E.B., Arzhannikov A.V., Denisenko A.N., Ginzburg N.S., Kalinin P.V., Sandalov E.S., Sinitsky S.L., Stepanov V.D., Vikharev A.A., Zaslavsky V.Yu.
Powerful Cherenkov masers with 2D slow-wave structures intended for powering RF-undulators of Compton-type FELs 
- Arzhannikov A.V., Ivanov I.A., Kasatov A.A., Kuznetsov S.A., Makarov M.A., Kuklin K.N., Popov S.S., Rovenskikh A.F., Samtsov D.A., Sandalov E.S., Sinitsky S.L., Stepanov V.D., Glinskiy V.V., Timofeev I.V.
Spatial and angular properties of Megawatt flux of THz radiation generated by GOL-PET facility